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Crown Royal Whisky, Diageo: A Journey Across Canada
Challenged with increasing revenue streams, Diageo was looking to open a number of brand distilleries in the US and Canada to provide a new luxury travel experience. We were approached to help build awareness of this new ‘product’, specifically for Crown Royal Whisky in Canada.
In order to deliver a high-quality video series, we used our unique travel knowledge and curation expertise to promote distillery visits and tastings as part of a wider itinerary. Due to the success of an earlier Diageo partnership featuring co-founder Tom Marchant, we decided to continue the momentum with a series of videos that followed Tom on a Crown Royal-inspired journey across Canada.
The video journey was loosely based on the route the British Royal’s themselves followed on their 1939 Canadian Tour when they received the very first bottle of Crown Royal created just for them. This strategy gave us the perfect hook for global audiences to engage with the campaign.
We paired these insights and the delivered video with a new bookable itinerary that offered viewers the chance to experience the trip first-hand. Downloadable travel guides and a rich platform of social and editorial content covering a variety of different mediums were also created. This allowed the campaign to transcend beyond just video content and truly pique the interests of dedicated whisky drinkers and curious millennials alike.
Once live, we promoted the campaign in a dedicated newsletter to our database to announce the partnership, videos and new itinerary. This resulted in immediate enquiries and fantastic PR coverage.